Accessibility Statement

Payscout LLC is committed to ensuring that the Virtual Point of Sale (VPOS) is accessible to everyone. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us. You will find an outline below of Payscout’s efforts towards guaranteeing that the VPOS is accessible.

  • Alternative text for all graphical content
  • Searchable columns in all data tables
  • JavaScript and style sheets for enhanced viewing functionality
  • Customized, browser-specific style sheets to ensure consistency across all browsers
  • Relative font sizes, which are compatible with the user-specified "text size" option in browsers
  • Access Keys for the top navigation bar, left links panel, right content panel, and bottom footer. More detailed information on Access Keys can be found below.
Access Keys:

To use an Access Key, press your browser’s Access Key Modifier along with the Access Key.

Some common Access Key Modifiers are “Alt” on Internet Explorer 8 and “Alt + Shift” on Firefox 3+. You can find a complete list of popular browsers’ Hot Key Modifiers here.

In the Virtual Point of Sale, you can access the top navigation bar using the digits 1 through 7. The buttons for Home, Payment, Reports, Admin, Help, MID, and Logout are respectively keys 1 through 7. Once on a page, you can cycle through the left links panel by using the 8 key.

For example, in IE 8 the Access Key Modifier is the "Alt" key. You could press "Alt+2" to go to the Payment main page. Press "Alt+8" twice (then "Enter") to go to the Search Transactions left link. Once there, you can press "Alt+9" to go to the first form (Transaction Type) or "Alt+0" to go to the last form (Order ID). Pressing "Enter" will then perform the search.

Additional Changes:

As we continue to improve the Virtual Point of Sale, all changes will be detailed on this page. This allows users to keep track of modifications and observe the progress we are making.

Contact Us:

Payscout LLC appreciates your opinions and ideas. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us..